Integrating nature into architecture is boosting mental health

Integrating nature into architecture is boosting mental health

City life has its perks. You live closer to convenience. Your need – be it groceries or late-night cravings – are just a call away. However, the novelties you enjoy come with constraints. The proximity you share with the amenities is shared by others too. As a result, you are always over-crowded. The roads are jam-packed with cars. And there is not a moment of peace, thanks to the urban cacophony.

During the pandemic, urbanscape came to a halt and our life shifted indoors. Only to realize, that there is so much we miss out on in the city. Earlier taking a break from city life meant going on a vacation to someplace quiet. Up in the mountains, down by the sea or into the woods.

After being locked in, we realized the real meaning behind those vacations. They were more than an excuse to spend some me-time or family time. These vacations were our chance to reconnect with nature and its wonders. After all, we are a part of the web of life and we cannot cut our ties with the environment.

According to studies, connecting with nature has shown positive benefits. Nature has worked as a stress alleviator and has impacted the positive growth of the mind. This is why green therapy is slowly being integrated into the urban life to improve mental health.

Green Therapy 

Green therapy is the practice of being in nature. It is more than what you see; it is what you experience with all five senses. According to researchers from Denmark, exposure to green spaces since childhood can reduce the risk of developing an array of adolescent psychiatric disorders like depression and anxiety. Another study showed that nature sounds like fountains and bird calls as opposed to traffic noises reduced stress among the participants considerably. Even the fruity fragrances and flowers are seen to reduce depression. The natural environment enhances our mental, emotional and physical well-being.

Integrating nature and design

Inspired from the idea of green therapy, landscape architects are turning urbanscapes into healthy living spaces that offer the much-needed relief and ventilation. They are planning sustainable designs and integrating biophilia into architecture to fulfill the need for green respites. Biophilic designs not only improve the environment aesthetically but also contribute toward lower pollution levels. Therefore the landscape architects are contributing toward enhancing biodiversity while inspiring a healthy living and well-being of the people.

Landscape architecture – the key to happy & sustainable living

Landscape architecture is answering to the issues of the urban population – mental health post-pandemic and climate change. They are infusing nature into design through green pockets like parks and open spaces. Thus giving the urban population a scope for green therapy.

How is the amalgamation of green helping the fast-paced metropolis?

Boosting spirit
Office spaces with gardens, parks, and open unwinding spaces have seen an increase in productivity among its employees. Homes or condos with greenery experience a flow of positive energy. Because nature has the power to calm our senses. Therefore, spending some time amidst greenery can contribute to the emotional well-being.


Encouraging people to go offline and step out in the open more often
Pandemic shifted our life indoors and our social life online. As a result, we were glued to our screens more. This amounted to increased stress levels. Today, owing to increased screen time our mental health demands sometime in the open. Which is why, landscape architects are designing outdoor green spaces for people to unwind and socialize. Like gardens, lawns, green terraces, and hangout zones. While the gardens and lawns in condos, laced with trees and shrubberies create an opportunity for residents to engage and interact with each other. The biophilic zones in the new age business addresses offer a space of relaxation for the employees after a long day.


Enriching life outdoors
The condos and workspaces nowadays are punctuated with green spaces. Thanks to landscape architects who have been holistically improving our lives outdoors. These green spaces like parks and gardens encourage us to take a walk amidst nature; promoting interaction between us and the natural environment.


Being happy. Naturally
As said before, spending time in nature automatically boosts your mood. It restores your mental health, especially for those who live a stressful and chaotic life in the urban environment.

Inspired by green therapy, real estates are inclining toward biophilic designs. Hence giving the landscape architects a chance to spread the green beans that would eventually sprout magical green pockets. Many condos and workspaces are banking on green buildings as a part of sustainable living. Like Ambuja Neotia’s Utalika Luxury~The Condoville which is the epitome of integrating nature with modern architecture. Following suit the group’s latest project Urvisha~The Condoville in New Town is also getting ready to infuse the bounties of nature amidst raging urbanscape. Even Ecospace Business Towers – an upcoming business address is getting ready to shatter the idea of workspace infrastructure by adding open-air spaces to unwind, socialise and even work. These biophilic designs are transforming lives of many while making a difference in the process.

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